On the upgrade from 1.8.2 to 1.8.13 the way /var/lib/moodle profile pics where handle changed in a subtle way. From users/x to user/0 user/1000 user/2000 this is a very good idea, but I can’t find info about it on README.Debian or any other documentation, would be nice to add to the docs or/and ad a script to fix, as as moodle admin I just figure out today that all my users had the default happy face when not had uploaded their picture.
Anyway I fixed using mv and wildcards.
On users/ dir did:
mv 1??? ../user/1000/ -v
mv 2??? ../user/2000/ -v
mv 3??? ../user/3000/ -v
mv 1?? ../user/0/ -v
mv ?? ../user/0/ -v
and so on, of course a better and nice way must exist but that worked for me, in any case I want to share this with you and probably with any other puzzled moodle admin.
I found that this change goes back to moodle 1.8.3 [1] to address the ext2 limitation of 32000 directories [2], also a script was added on the admin section [3] and can be used via web or CLI. Anyway I think it’s good idea to add information on the package documentation.
[1] http://moodle.org/mod/forum/discuss.php?d=82208
[2] http://tracker.moodle.org/browse/MDL-8605
[3] admin/fixuserpix.php located normally on Debian on /usr/share/moodle/admin
Supongo que hiciste un script para eso, cierto? Porque si lo hiciste a pata, que flojera :)
Je, en el primero que es una instalación pequeña lo hice a mano de hecho lo que esta como ejemplo es sacado de mi bash history en realidad no es tan largo por que en ninguna de mis dos instalaciones tengo mas de 3mil usuarios, asà que solo necesite 2???. 1???. ??? y ?? para mover todo a 0, 1000, y 2000 después busque un poco en los foros de moodle y di con que existe ya el script que lo hace y que añadà al final.