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El Cuchitril es una obra por Víctor Martínez disponible bajo una
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Comentarios recientes
- vicm3 en Y nuestro agregador
- Gunnar en Y nuestro agregador
- vicm3 en Y nuestro agregador
- Gunnar en Y nuestro agregador
- vicm3 en Redshift
- Gunnar Wolf en Redshift
- Gunnar en Redshift
- Godi Nando en Slam dunk en Azteca, capitulos faltantes
- Bakaradio | El Cuchitril en ¿Te perdiste el programa 0 de Bakaradio?
Entradas y Páginas Populares
- Anime|Manga (38)
- Arqueologia Infiernetica (47)
- Comic (10)
- Debraye (378)
- Educación (190)
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Archivo de la etiqueta: Wordpress
Allow WordPress to use a relay smtp with self signed cert
271 /** 272 * Options array passed to stream_context_create when connecting via SMTP. 273 * @var array 274 */ 275 public $SMTPOptions = array( 276 ‘ssl’ => array( 277 ‘verify_peer’ => false, 278 ‘verify_peer_name’ => false, 279 ‘allow_self_signed’ => true … Sigue leyendo
Well Dreamhost sometime ago installed wp-cli [1] on their machines think of it like drush [2] and it’s really fast and nice, managing wp via CLI is way easier and clean, yes I’m aware that for sometime now also there … Sigue leyendo
WordPress xmlrpc DDOS mitigation
Well not long ago DH contacted me with this dreaded message: Hello, I’m writing you about your domain: Specifically the file: xmlrpc.php This file is used for modifying your wordpress install from 3rd party programs, like mobile site designers, desktop … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en planetalinux, sysadmin, Web
Etiquetado bot, ddos, exploit, ngnix, Wordpress, xmlrcp
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Legacy code everywhere
From last weekend our blog lacobachab where not updating their feed, as I removed and updated wp-cache info, most probably I removed redundant entries on .htaccess, BUT looks like removed the correct ones and left the wrong ones, tip if … Sigue leyendo
Publicado en Debraye, General, planetalinux, sysadmin, Web
Etiquetado blog, debug, feed, php, rss, sysadmin, troubleshoting, Wordpress, work
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