Well the second part if you haven’t watch the first movie you still have three days to watch it free [1], don’t really remember why haven’t post about but in case you don’t know this interesting webcomic now it’s the time to waste know it at http://phdcomics.com/ [2].
Also there is a kickstater [3] campaign to make a sequel from the first movie!
If you are a Phd student, graduate, undergraduate or simply want to remember that years this comic will touch you profoundly and the movie it’s really good. I think wrote something last year about the first movie well turns out I wrote about the soundtrack but don’t about the movie itself.
[1] http://www.phdmovie.com/
[2] http://phdcomics.com/comics.php
[3] https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1831998591/the-phd-movie-2-still-in-grad-school