Jaws en las noticias

Bueno, en la columna de opinión de John Dvorak.

» For example, one site maintains a database of all the content management systems (CMSs) ever released, with a great checklist of features so you can pick and choose which ones you want to evaluate for a blog or whatever. How many people even know www.cmsmatrix.org exists, or have a clue as to how many of these CMS lash-ups there are?

Let’s examine a few. Hmm, one called WebGUI seems to be getting the most attention. This thing has a lot of features and could be handy for a simple site. And others look promising. Golly, there’s JAWS here too, at www.jaws-project.com; it seems to be a user favorite. Personally, I’ve never heard of it, but it seems to be getting traction.

Now I have to extricate myself from the site. Visit it and you’ll see what the problem is: The balkanization of app development can be traced to the doorstep of the Open Source movement. Everyone is trying to get into the act!»

El articulo completo en PC Mag

Bueno Dvorak no ha escuchado de Jaws, pero por aca hace vuen rato que si ;)

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