Dia de la Toalla

Si hoy es el dia de la toalla… recuerden

«Don’t Panic»

The origin of the towel joke

The full version of this story was first found in The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy: The Original Radio Scripts and reprised in The Salmon of Doubt, but the short version is as follows: Adams had gone on holiday in Greece, but every time he had decided to go to the beach with his fellows, he discovered that his towel would disappear, and could only be found after hours of searching.

After the holiday had ended, he decided that anyone who really had their life in order would «know where his towel is». He had no idea that this towel joke, which first appeared in the seventh radio episode, and subsequently in the first book, would catch on so brilliantly.

He assumed, after learning that so many people liked and understood the joke, that he was not the only one with such an experience.
Fuente: The origin of the towel joke

En memoria de Douglas Adam.

Resulta que tambien es el dia del orgullo friki.
No podia faltar el frikitest
Por cierto al dia de hoy mi puntuación es 49.4505495 % o para los desesperados 49.5% :P

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4 respuestas a Dia de la Toalla

  1. Manuel dijo:

    25.6743257 %

    No pues sí eres friki y por mucho :P :P

  2. Nodens dijo:

    23.0769231 % Creo que hasta baje jajaja, deben haber sido los clamatos de hoy y los blue sky del dada x hace 8 dias :p (o la hora y que ya tengo sueño)

  3. Mostrencxs dijo:

    ¿El narc cuenta como idioma artificial? ¿Y si mi amá es quien habla como Yoda en serio y sin reírse?

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